Sunday, November 24, 2013

Ani DiFranco on 5 NOv @ 9:30 Club in DC. 

"We were so grateful to be able to share information and receive petition signatures at the concert at the 9:30 club in Washington, DC. The audience was positive, aware, and really interested. We hope that the tour has been going well, we love Ani and her work so much and wish her all the best in making music and raising consciousness."

~ Orelia Busch
Dear Ani, Steve Earle, Paula Cole & Buddy!
You were awesome at NYC’s Town Hall concert in November, 2013! You rocked the house with wit and wisdom, in musical art form. We dedicated artivists @ Rhythm N’ Rights / Amnesty International, want to give you a huge shout out and a big Thank You!!!
It makes a huge difference to have devoted artists such as yourselves provide talent and space at your venues for us RnR/AI activists to gather signatures and aid in the relief of oppressed people everywhere. May we someday see the world without slavery, injustice, hate crimes, at peace. Until then, we depend on your wonderful gifts to get the word out.
R N R/AI truly appreciates the impact you have, as artists who wield the mighty power of music and poetry, (not to mention humor), on the world at large and our dear community of fellow humanitarians.
Thank you again for your fine work, and for furthering solutions of humanity’s plight, helping our organizations with your contributions of great talent and kind hearts - and for just being who you are, so well!
Warmest Wishes and Happy Holy Days To You and Yours!
Rebecca Moore Frey, on behalf of
Rhythm N Rights/Amnesty Intl.